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Life Style Causes Cancer

    • Alcohol: Alcohol use has been linked to several types of cancer varying from head to neck to digestive tract, even at a lower level of consumption. Long term heavy drinking can also result to liver cancer and those with chronic hepatitis should stay away from alcohol.
      As per epidemologic research c onsumpation of alcohol increases the risk of cancer in upper digestive tract, liver, breast, stomach, pancreas etc. For some cancers such as mouth and espphageal alcohol has a direct impact and for others as liver, breast etc alcohol play an indirect role by inflate the mechanisms that may causes cancer. Although alcohol cannot be termed as a carcinogen (substance that cause cancer) but it may act as a co carcinogen by enhancing the carcinogenic effects of other chemicals for instance alcohol inflate tobacco’s ability to stimulate tumor formation. People who both drink and smoke have a greater risk for mouth, tracheal and esophageal cancer. Aside to this reduced level of iron, zinc, vitamin E and vitamin B are common in chronic alcohol consumption which may causes some cancer. Alcoholism is also associated with suppression of immune system which endangered human with various infectious disease including cancer.
    • Dieting: Relation between our daily diets and cancer is very complex and difficult to understand but the fact is the food and ingredients we take in our diet may increase the risk of cancers of the bowel, stomach, mouth and gullet. Obesity is also a risk factor for cancer in breast (among post menopausal women), pancreas, kidney, gall bladder, colon, endometrium, esophagus.
      Some of the key components of diet includes,

      1. FAT:Consuming high fat reach food enhances the risk of breast, colon, lungs and prostate cancer.
      2. Protein: Increased protein diet are associated with high fat and in fiber which may increase the risk of cancer such as excessive intake of meat inflate the risk of colon and advanced prostate cancer.
      3. Fiber: Research indicates diet with rich fiber such as vegetables are associated a protective effect in cancer.
      4. Carbohydrate and Glycaemic Index: Diet which have high Glycaemic Index (GI) enhance the risk of ovarian, endometrium, pancreas cancer. It is always recommended to limit processed foods and and refined sugars and emphasize on whole grains and low GI food.

      Increased risk of fruits and vegetables lower the risk of cancer of oral cavity, esophagus, stomach colon, rectum and bladder. Plant based food may prevent cancer by protecting genetic material form carcinogenic (substance that cause cancer) agents and develop anti cancer enzymes.
      Selecting a rich diet, like eating plenty of vegetables and plant based food, food in low fat and salt and no consumption of tobacco and alcohol etc, maintain healthy weight, remain physically active not only prevent cancer but also other diseases as well.

    • Nutrition: Proper Nutrition is also an important element for cancer patients and cancer survivors as a major number of cancer patients fail to survive from the complications of malnutrition. Thus nutrition interventiton during cancer treatment has a huge impact on the success of the treatment and patient’s quality of life. Some of the adverse effects during cancer treatment are difficulty in swallowing, anorexia, bloating, belching, nausea, diarrhea etc. So it is equally mandate for a cancer patient to maintain a proper nutrition during and after treatment in order to regain the energy.

      Soy and cancer risk: High doses of soy may increase the risk of estrogen-responsive cancers in certain women and specially breast cancer survivors should consume only moderate amount.

      Calcium and cancer risk: Calcium nutrients may reduce the colorectal cancer but high calcium intake specially through supplements may inflate the risk of prostate cancer.
      Preserved Meat and cancer risk: Preserved meats contains nitites which has a direct impact on stomach and colorectal cancer.

      Cooked meat and cancer risk: Frying, boiling or grilling meats at excessive temperatures creates chemicals which in turn inflate cancer risk and thus it is always recommended to use techniques like braising, steaming, stewing the meat.

      Coffee & Tea and cancer risk: Coffee has been associated with as a possible risk factor of various cancers along with consuming very hot drinks which may increase the risk of esophageal cancers. Regular drinking of green tea may reduce the risk of stomach cancer.

      Food Safety and Cancer: It is recommended to usage of seasoned and locally grown vegetables, proper storage to prevent growth of fungal carcinogenic (substance that cause cancer) agents, rinsing fruits and vegetables and remove outer leaves, marinate protein foods to decrease cooking time, using lower cooking temperature as preventive measure against cancer.

  • Tobacco:It is agreed fact that consumption of tobacco is a vital reason of cancer and other diseases. Usage of tobacco in not only limited to smoking but also swallowing and chewing as well. Smoking inflates the risk of cancer in lungs, larynx, gullet, pharynx, mouth, liver, bladder, kidney as well as some types of leukaemia. It is also associated with the risk of breast cancer. Tobaccos contain nicotine which is a major carcinogenic (substance that cause cancer) agents and by quitting tobacco not only cancer but a lot of serious illness can be avoided.